Gaming Lounge

The gaming lounge is stocked with retro and current gaming consoles to provide a fun and engaging place. We host tournaments for games such as Smash bros, Halo, Gears of War, 007, COD, and whatever floats our boat. Starting January 2024 we will be expanding and opening up our table top gaming center. Rent a table to play Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, Dungeon and Dragons, or whatever your flavor is. We welcome all with a strict rule that everyone play nicely and be welcoming. There are multiple ways to enjoy this space and we hope you’ll check it out for your self.

Rules for the Gaming Lounge

-No outside food or beverages

-The Red, Yellow, Green band system will be in place. What does that mean? Green you are social and open to chat, play, and socialize. Yellow you are social but kinda want to be left alone. Red you want to be left alone and are not open to chatting or playing.

-You must clean up your area upon leaving

-You let others play by their own rules within everyone’s game that is agreed upon


To be announced come January 2024.

Fill out this form to learn more about our gaming tournaments!

Gaming Tournament

Gaming Tournament

used to request info about a gaming tournament.


Want to sign up for Pokemon School?

Pokemon School
Who will be attending?